How can we help?


We are problem solvers at heart, and we love chatting about anything which helps create positive environments for more people to get active. Here are just some of the ways we could help. Get in touch for a chat.

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Research and Insight

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always got”

This quote is famous for a reason and at Proper Active we know if we ask our audience the same questions over and over about why they do or don’t play sport, we’ll get the same old answers. We can help you to find and answer the questions that matter most, using a collaborative and innovative approach that gets to the heart of what really drives people.

Getting your message right

The way we present and talk about physical activity is just as important as how we deliver it. We can support you to develop engaging communications which help everyone to feel welcome in your environments.

Positive experiences for volunteers and officials

It’s not only your participants who deserve a positive experience and Proper Active can help make this a reality for those who support and officiate your activities.

Strategy Development

Real change needs to be embedded at every level of an organisation and we can help you to implement fundamental culture change which embeds the participant experience in everything you do.

Developing your Recruitment Practice

We know that inspirational people are the heart of your business and the key to your aspirations to reach those who are less active. We can help you design a recruitment process that finds the workforce you need to engage those who will benefit most.

Workforce Development

Whether it’s delivery teams, senior leaders or  support roles,  we can provide workshops and training to develop your team’s skills in working with communities to engage the least active.